Monday, 19 March 2012

Finding My Niche

The challenge with releasing a book independently with something like Amazon is figuring how to create awareness and marketing. When Titan: The Midnight Hour first came out it was so buried that to get it to come up through Google or even an Amazon search was next to impossible. It is quite discouraging when you even have a hard time finding your own book. Yet, slowly through word of mouth and posting on forums and having people that have read it post reviews for it on Amazon and fully utilizing all the social medias at my disposal and including this blog things have slowly been building and becoming unburied altogether. Now when you put Titan into an Amazon search it right in the second page, perviously it wasn;'t on the first 7 pages.  Alos when you enter the book title on Google it comes up as the second item. I look forward to seeing just how far it can all go once I have exhausted all resources and the book and the series has to truly stand on its own merits.

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