Sunday, 8 April 2012

Titan the criminal

When I first had the idea for Titan I wanted the hook for the superhero to have been a criminal. I wanted Michael to have been bad and the main story to be how the ring had chosen him despite his being a criminal and Michael would then have to fight his natural urges which were to sue the rings powers to commit crimes for personal gain. It was going to be much more of a struggle for Azure to convince Michael to do good for the sake of good and to teach him overall. That idea fell flat obviously, but one element from that first story idea remained. Michael was going to find the ring as he broke into the museum  and steals it. Instead Michael witnesses the museum thieves crash their getaway van at his doorstep and find the ring at the wreckage. In the early drafts the actual museum heist even remained only to be later omitted. So Michael was no longer a criminal and instead the bright spot in a bad neighbourhood and singled out by the ring for being noble and courageous.

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