Friday, 26 October 2012

Dude...Looks Like a Lady

One of the big factors when planning a series like Titan is figuring out how you can broaden your reach over a wider audience. At one point when I was developing Titan I thought that I would be alienating young girls from reading Titan. It was a story about a young boy becoming a superhero. So, I toyed with the ideas of swapping the roles of Michael and Carly, and making her the superhero. It would hvae been a relatifvely easy adjustment to make through out the manuscript. I though this would have broadened the audience base as well as offer some very intriguing story lines. the role of the female superhero is one I find very interesting. They are typically hyper sexualised and ridiculously stereotyped, and I thought a great new female Titan would be a great way to not only tackle some of those stereotypes but challenge them in a fun way as well. Who knows maybe somehow Carly will get to wield the ring yet. Of course there is also the matter of what will happen when the ring is through with Michael and another Titan  must be chosen? Also, we have only seen one Titan from the past so far and I have only mentioned another here, so maybe there has already been one and we have simply yet to meet her.

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