Saturday, 12 January 2013

Dialogue Daze

One of the key points to any novel that is one of the trickiest to master is dialogue. Any writer will tell you how difficult it can be to master this technique and that it can ruin any good novel in a hurry. I am always trying to working my dialogue and making it feel as real as possible. The dialogue I have used in 'The Midnight Hour' I often agonised over whether it sounded 'right' or not. You really start to pay attention to good dialogue when you read it or hear in movies or TV. You also listen to people talking around you in everyday conversation, and how they talk. Because its not just how they talk its what they say or I suppose how they say it. I was very conscious of this as I wrote the dialogue for Titan. Most people have told me that they thought the dialogue was good, which was a huge sigh of relief. I only hope I can maintain at least that and improve upon it the coming books.

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