Wednesday, 20 February 2013

1st Anniversary of Titan: The Midnight Hour

Well, it has now been just over a year since Titan: The Midnight Hour first became published as an e-book back on February 16th 2012.A lot has happened since then, and this crazy ride has taken me places I never thought that I would go. I never thought I would be doing a book signing already, especially as many as seven. nor did I ever think that it would be read in a school classroom let alone four. I also never thought I people would be able to go to a local library and take it out. I am actually doing or have done many things I always dreamt writing would allow me to accomplish, but was never sure I would. Doing it as an independent has had me doing it in a slightly different way than I may have envisioned, but it has made it all the more rewarding. I can't believe that I am at the point already where another Titan book is getting ready to come out to the world. It has been so hard to turn around another book within just over a year, and I couldn't have done it alone. Thank you to all you have supported me and read the book this past year!

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