Monday, 15 April 2013

Titan 3 Villain

The first big villain Titan will be facing in vol. 3, Shadow Games will be Vincent Morozo aka Mezmorozo. Vincent was born with different and very unique abilities. He has very strong telekinetic powers that are largely manifested from a third eye that opens in the middle of his forehead just above his eye line. This eye gives him the ability to control the minds of others around him. he is a very powerful telepath and can read minds as well as control them, and he can control many minds at once and even by using some of the puppets he is controlling. He can take control of very large groups very quickly and make them do his bidding.

Obviously this power makes him very potentially dangerous and causes many people to fear him. Due to his power Vincent was institutionalised from a very young age out of the fear of what his power can do. A special helmet was created to go over his third eye and block his power from use. This makes him quite a victim of circumstance. He did not ask to be different, he just is, but he is being persecuted for it. So when Vincent escapes the institution and becomes Mezmorozo it goes without saying that he will be looking for some payback to those who wronged him.

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