Friday, 24 May 2013

Titan Universe Character Guidebook

Aside from the seven books of the Titan series I also want to add a character guide. This will depict every single character in the Titan universe and how they are tied to Titan/Michael. As I have stated in previous posts, I have even found myself having to comb through back pages to remind myself who was who and how tyey relate exactly, especially as certain characters have undergone minor changes over the development stages. I just remember being really into Spawn when I was younger and the "Spawn Bible" came out that was a single issue fully illustrated and each main character described. By the time the third book comes out there will be quite a few characters to discuss. So, really it may become two books that will fully details and explain all characters in this universe for people. In the end I just think it will be a nice volume to have even if it only ever sits on my shelf.

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