Saturday, 1 February 2014

Titan 2 Marketing and Promotion

The main question I have had to answer since I started publishing Titan independently was "How do you independently market books to kids?" This was my main obstacle with the first Titan book. I have learned a good deal but still feel there is a good deal more to learn on this subject. Beyond book signings and public libraries I plan to try and get to as many schools as possible and also to as many craft fairs and farmers markets as I can.

I went to one schools with Titan: The Midnight Hour and it was an amazing experience! I was able to get the book into a few other schools, but I think that this will be the key to expanding my target audience moving forward. I think the way to expand this is not school by school but to contact the school boards themselves to hit as many at one time as I can. If all works out going to the schools and doing presentations is key.

Does anyone else know how to market to younger audiences?

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