Friday, 7 March 2014

Secondary Character Development

Something to take note of as people read the first two volumes of the Titan series is all the secondary characters in Michael's life. Many of them will take on bigger roles and have quite a bit of character development throughout the series, some way later in the series. I've been trying my best to plant the seeds for those characters in the first few volumes (I am now well into writing the third) and once you see major arcs appear with a certain character ie Carly's Dad or Dave you may want to go back and witness the full evolution of that character through the past books. There is quite a glossary of character throughout and I try to give as much page time as possible to as many as I can in each book. Even characters like Mayor Winfield has much more development in book two than in one and eventually we will see why he has such animosity towards Titan, but first I want people to really think they know him. Same with Vince, many people have strong opinions of that character and I want to show much more of him including some scenes humanising him beyond Michael's tormentor. the scene in the cemetery in book two is a strong example of that. Also, I don't think after book one that readers thought Perminder and Dave would become so prominent, but they are definitely becoming so. So watch some of these characters now and see where they go in the future and what role they will play in Michael/Titan's life.

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