Thursday, 5 July 2012

Titan Series Revision

I am right now working at slimming down the Titan series as previously mentioned from 11 volumes to now 7. All the characters and story lines will pretty much remain in tact. I think what this will do however is make the series move faster more like a comic series rather than a bunch of movies. So essentially the combined volumes will now have two main plot lines and the character development is what is become the MAIN focal point of the books. I am not sure what the titles of the now combined volumes will be either as of yet. All I can say for sure right now is that once I am done with the writing of volume 2, I will be working on adjusting 3 & 4 and combing them into one volume. It;s funny how slimming the number of volumes down might actually make the series better, more action packed, and more developed.

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