Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Influences of the TItan Series

I have learned a lot about story pacing over the last few years. Where I have learned the most is from the stories and writers who I enjoy reading the most. I look at what is it that make these stories fun and enjoyable to read and make me want more. Some of the biggest influences in that regard that I have is Robert Kirkman (who's walking dead has some of the best dialogue going and Invincible which has some of the greatest balance and flow to its characters and story), Harry Potter (Rowling has a way of keeping the story progressing even when it is a slower part of the book.), Neil Gaiman (the master of the anti-climax), Grant Morrison (never afraid to try anything), Stephen King (the master of all). Not that I think my writing is yet on par with these writers, but I have to have something to aspire to. Hopefully wit their influence Titan will will flow and move seamlessly until its conclusion.

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