Thursday, 23 August 2012


As stated previously one of the big reasons that I wanted to take Titan independently the way I have is creative control, but another big factor is that it seemed the most logical option in light of the transition the industry is in due to digitization. book stores are becoming fewer and closing all  the time. reading from electric devices seems to be the way of the future as much as ipods have become the future of the music industry. It does seem though that print will take longer to go out of style. I have been very pleased to discover that many still prefer printed books to digital e-readers. I do have to say as to my preference, I loved having Titan: The Midnight Hour out at all but once I got that printed copy in my hands it was a very special moment. I think we will always have print books to some degree, but in the coming years e-readers will take over the market. It only makes sense in the long run. The bog question is with easily available tools of social media and independent publishing options what roles do the big publishers even really have anymore?

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