Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Superhero Wanted

The aspect of official law enforcement and the superhero as been tackled in many superhero comics over time. It is a very interesting topic given that in a vast majority of the cases you are essentially talking about vigilante justice being served be some do-gooder citizen. I was able to explore that topic a little in Midnight Hour, and it will continue to be explored in City Under Siege. It will go a little beyond the Delta City police and the like of Chief Thomas Ross, however. A little higher authority will also enter the arena. Of course we will not know if it is Titan they are after. To tell the truth one of the only aspects of the series I am not 100% certain about is how the relationship between Titan and Chief Ross and the police department will go. So far we have had reporter Vicki Earndtheart on Titan's side and Mayor Winfield against him leaving Chief Ross stuck somewhat in the middle. I have already written of a brief encounter with Chief Ross and Titan in City Under Siege, and there is likely to be ta least one more. If Chief Ross is really doing his job well can he let Titan go without trying to apprehend him? If you have a person such as Titan able to do and help with so much, and they are clearly well intentioned, should they be treated as a criminal for breaking the law while they are  stopping so many others from being broken?

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