Monday, 24 September 2012

Titan 3 Prep

I have just finished preparing the new story line for Titan 3 "Shadow Games". There will be two main villains throughout the book. The first is Mezmorrozo, who is a little different style of comic book villain. he has tremendous psychic powers that emanate from a third eye in his forehead. His psychic powers give him the ability to control the minds of anyone who comes under his stare. What effects will this have on Titan? We will find out soon. The other villain is Shadow who is a carbon copy of Titan. Dr. Frederich Marsh was a military scientist sent to find the source of Titan's powers. When he tries to duplicate them he finds that copying such powers as some unintended side effects. Shadow has equal powers to Titan but they have corrupted him into a being of pure evil. There is also more that will give Titan difficulty in stnding to his duty to protect Delta City.

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