Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Dr. Melodian

I thought it would be a good time to elaborate on the main villain of "City Under Siege" as I am nearly done the first complete draft. Dr. Carl Melodian is the mad scientist villain of the Titan universe. He was a gifted boy with a genius level IQ that excelled in all areas of science. As he was born with no legs he quickly developed ways to overcome his handicap using the technology he could create on his own. before he graduated university he discovered that there was nothing he could not create using science and technology. He wanted to wanted to use his genius to help others the way he had been able to help himself. Before long he found himself working for the military where he was promised the opportunity to put his skills to work helping those in need. Eventually, as the years passed, he came to learn that his creations were being taken and altered and then used to cause harm to many innocent people. DR. Melodian was furious, and when he approached his peers he was essentially turned away and expected to keep at the work put forth to him. When he refused the military let him go, and he found himself without work and no credit for all he had worked on for years. He had nothing. He vowed to have revenge on the people he felt wronged him. he wanted to do to them what they had done to him. He will have his revenge, and only Titan will be able to stop him!

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