Friday, 30 November 2012

Titan 2 & 3

I am very nearly done the first full draft of the new Titan book, Titan: City Under Siege. I am really trying to cram in all edits and rewrites so that it should still be out spring of 2013. the new book is much more of an action adventure story, but many of the characters from the main cast still have some great moments of development throughout. I am very excited about it and cannot wait for people to read it.

To maintain the momentum of the series I will be taking no breaks while the book is being edited. i will be starting right in on the next draft of Titan 3, Shadow Games. I still have no idea when book 3 will be releaased, but no earlier then late fall 2013 I would geuss. This is the book I have come to think of as the allies book. It has two distinct story lines with two sets of villains and two sets of allies, and scores of new characters overall. Of course the old choristers will take plenty of time mingled in as well.

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