Thursday, 21 March 2013

Chapter Update

Sometimes, despite best laid plans, things just don't work out as you intended. Case in point, Chapter 8 of 'City Under Siege', originally titled 'Martial Law' now titled 'City Under Siege'. I had a rough idea of the things I wanted to accomplish with the chapter, but it simply didn't come together the way I hoped that it would. Sometimes, especially when I am guiding myself by loose plot lines and not being as structured, I just try and let the chapter take me away and see what comes of it. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. This time it didn't. But now I am coming back at what I have on the page and I think I have truly found something much better.

**Spoiler Alert!!!***
What I really just wanted to convey was the serious threat that could not be ignored now of Dr. Melodian. Also I wanted Grandpa Dale to picked up from the hospital by Michael and taken back home (no, I will not say why he was in the hospital.).  My ideas at first, though, for conveying the threat just didn't quite meld together all that well. But now I have added in a sweet little Titan scene that I am working on now. Originally there was no Titan in this chapter just Michael. Now there is and he even will have a little run in with the police. Once the chapter is done the book will be very close to done. Only one last edit to go I think.  

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