Sunday, 17 March 2013

Editor's Touch

I look at my two Titan books and the impact that editing has had on them and I start to wonder what many of the published books I see in bookstores would look like had they not gone through editing stages through traditional publishers. What changes were put forth to authors and forced into a manuscript that may otherwise not have been there. Does this change the overall message of the author? Would Titan have turned into some noble hearted sparkling vampire with a wand instead of a staff, and a lightning bolt scar instead of a lightning bolt T? This truly represents the key reason that I chose to go independent and did not even try to go through publishers (which may not have been successful anyhow). I want control over my own work. Any editing notes I receive now, I can choose, right or wrong, to take the advice or not. Titan is truly a product of my own vision. I get plenty of help producing that vision, but it is still principally mine, and I can decide the fate of the series and do with it what I wish, how I wish.

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